Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

December 20, 2005 5:30 PM



Location:          Albatross Motel, Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Peter Budgell                                             Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Ms. Kim Cheeks                                              Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. John George                                              Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Peter Gibbons                                            Ms. Claudine Wells (Recorder)

Mr. Newman Harris

Mr. Bill Sceviour

Mr. Hubert Langdon

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Scott Pritchett




Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Greg Woolfrey


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated and amended.  (Harris/Pritchett).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1       Regular Meeting November 22, 2005


Motion:           to accept the minutes of the November 22, 2005 as circulated with the following amendment:  Mr. Kendell indicated that there are two ex-officio members for each committee.  They are the Director and the Chair.  The Director is a non-voting member and the Chair is a voting member. (Sceviour/Brown).Carried.



3.         Business Arising:


3.1       An inquiry was made as to when the Minister of Education and the NLSBA Director will visit our Board.  The director noted that the Minister is currently busy with the House now in session.  The Board will be notified when another date becomes available.


4.         Committee Reports/Updates


            4.1       Executive Committee (deferred to next meeting)


            4.2       Finance/Property Committee


The Chair of the Finance/Property Committee noted that the Committee went through the Audited Financial Statement with Mr. Jim Anstey, Auditor for the Board.  Approval is now needed to forward this report to the Minister.


Motion:           to accept the audited statements as presented.  (Pritchett/Brown).   Carried.


            4.3       Personnel Committee (deferred to next meeting)


            4.4       Programs Committee (deferred to next meeting)


            4.5       Student Support Services Committee (deferred to next meeting)


4.6       NLSBA Update (deferred to next meeting)


            4.7       Director’s Report (deferred to next meeting)


5.         Correspondence (deferred to next meeting)


6.         New Business


            6.1       Closed Session


Motion:           to move into closed session (Noble/George).  Carried.


            Motion:           to come out of closed session (Sceviour/Gibbons).  Carried.


6.2       Leading Tickles Primary


The Director noted that the students are currently being educated in a church hall.  The school property itself is now a key issue.


The Board has a number of options which must be considered.  One option is for the Board to reconstruct its own building.  There are monies which are currently available.  This would be the recommended option.


The recommendation from the Department is that the whole building must be demolished.  If the Board agrees with demolition, then the process must start from the beginning.


Motion:           to approve the proposal to have Board employees reconstruct this building.  (Budgell/Cheeks).  Carried.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on January 24, 2006, 7:00 PM, Grand Falls/Windsor Regional Office.


8.         Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 PM (Brown/Sceviour).  Carried.




_________________________                                  _______________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Claudine Wells

Chair                                                                            Recorder

